June Wayne, Stellar Winds Series
11 x 9¼ in. (27.9 x 23.5 cm)
Color lithograph printed by Edward Hamilton on Wayne’s own Rives with Tamstone watermark.
Edition of 15,1979.
Pomona College, 1992; Macquarie Galleries,1989; Fresno Art Museum, 1988, (illus.); Macalester College, 1986; Associated American Artists, February 1986; Print Club of Philadelphia, 1985; Associated American Artists, November 1985; Galerie des Femmes, 1985; Suzanne Brown Gallery, 1981; Occidental College, 1980; Security Pacific Bank, 1980.
Arizona State University Art Museum, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Grunwald Center, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, National Gallery of Art, Neuberger Museum of Art, New York Public Library, Williams College Museum of Art.
Here June Wayne looks at the sparks and flashes of light and energy twinkling in the sky. A friend of some of the most eminent scientists of her day, Wayne kept up to date on cutting edge research. These studies provided fertile ground for her visionary speculations, she always going beyond any literal or illustrative approach and expressing her awe for the beauty of the universe. In nuclear physics, a phosphor fluoresces momentarily when struck by a charged particle or high energy photon. In Wayne’s artwork, sparks seem to stare back at us through holes in the cosmic fabric.