June Wayne
14 x 11 in. (35.6 x 27.9 cm)
Acrylic, silver leaf, and styrene on cotton backed with Japon nacré on canvas.
Neuberger Museum of Art, 1997 (illus.); Benton Gallery, 1989; MB Abram Galleries, 2018.
In a work which foreshadows her monumental painting “Propellar”, we see in June Wayne’s “Glide’ the movement of air pushed by what appears to be a rotating blade.
"Wayne takes Leonardo as a model of Modernism. Da Vinci, whose drawings from nature track an ‘invisible energy that was shaping the trees and carving the waters into waves’ created an open-ended conceptual art fueled by scientific curiosity.”
—Arlene Raven, curator “June Wayne, A Retrospective”, Neuberger Museum of Art, 1997, exhibition catalogue essay.